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Case Study

How Orange Lab Media Group Boosts Marketing With Design Pickle

Boost Marketing Case Study
Updated Jan. 17, 2024 Published Apr. 29, 2019 3 Min. Read
Fort Lauderdale, FL | Marketing | www.orangelabmedia.com

“Design Pickle helped us streamline our design process. We increased the number of design projects per month, and overall, we increased our sales.”

– Keel Russell, Orange Lab Media Group, LLC


Orange Lab Media Group is a team of marketing professionals located in the sunny world of southern Florida. They specialize in a wide range of advertising and communication services, from traditional to digital media.

Combined, Orange Lab’s team of four has over 20 years of relevant experience. True to their laboratory moniker, their offices are a cheerful place, a great playground for creative thinking. They spend their days dreaming up printed collateral, branded merchandise, social media graphics, and more.

The company started out printing business cards back in 2013. In 2015, founder Keel Russell rebranded and started Orange Lab Media Group, providing a wider range of marketing assistance for small- to medium-scale businesses. These days, however, Orange Lab has been shifting their focus to larger commercial accounts and federal government projects.
social media flyer design


Orange Lab’s original full-time designer left the country; the time zone difference and the physical distance made communication much harder than before. The company was at a loss for consistent, easy-to-contact graphic design help.

Keel found that online resources like Fiverr and UpWork were incompatible with their particular needs. The low rates still came at a high price: design projects still required too much micromanagement in order to turn out okay. Even though their former in-house designer still jumps in to help from time to time, what Orange Lab really needed was a full-time service.

One day while browsing through Instagram, Keel came across an ad for Design Pickle. Though intrigued, he was hesitant about shelling out the $399 monthly fee. That would quickly change once he took the chance.
Case Study - Boost Marketing with Design Pickle

How Design Pickle Helped

After a month with Design Pickle, Keel quickly realized that it would more than pay for itself by generating sales. Sending in requests was now much easier, with no need for intensive supervision. Even better, the company hit it off with their designated designer — they can communicate “like family.”

Unlike many other online subscriptions, Design Pickle’s system is smart, human, and professional, almost like working with a real person full-time. Even better, a whole customer support team is available for any questions, so Keel doesn’t have to deal with common managerial woes. Orange Lab can now easily submit requests, mark them according to urgency, and receive finished designs in an organized way.

Orange Lab’s requests mostly have to do with in-house marketing — things like business cards, posters, social media, web banners, and more. Since most aspirants for federal government projects aren’t very branding-oriented, Design Pickle’s help gives Orange Lab a great competitive advantage.
Case Study - Boost Marketing with Design Pickle


With the time saved by using Design Pickle, Keel could increase the number of design projects they could handle as well. Naturally, an increase in sales followed.

Keel says he would still use Design Pickle to add value to his company even if he didn’t have clients who used the designs. Orange Lab’s creative in-house marketing collateral helps them assert a great brand identity and score even more clients.

Says Keel: “Design Pickle helped us streamline our design process and communication with our designer. We increased the number of design projects per month and overall, we increased our sales.”
How Orange Lab Media Group Boosts Marketing with Design Pickle

If you‘re looking for ways to boost your marketing with graphic design, Design Pickle may work for you, too. We’d love to have you try. Click here to sign up.

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