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5 Things Thursday: Organization for Productivity

5 Tips for a More Organized Business & Personal Life
Updated Jun. 29, 2023 Published Jun. 27, 2019 3 Min. Read

2019 has been a big year for organization: As millions of people across the globe watched Marie Kondo joyfully declutter homes, we’ve become inspired to tackle our own messes.

However, many professionals hit a barrier when it comes to getting organized. It seems impossibly daunting.

I don’t know where to start.
I’m not just not an organized person.
I don’t have enough time.

Sound familiar? I get it — and I’ve been there too. But the truth is, organization really stems from mindset. It’s less about the act of straightening up papers or tossing out unloved objects. Organization begins with the clutter inside your head — and creating systems that improve your personal and professional success.

This week for 5 Things Thursday, lifestyle blogger and podcast host Mika Perry shares her top 5 tips for a more organized business and personal life. Her tips are actionable and easy for any entrepreneur, leader, parent, team member — heck, anyone — to follow. Check it out:

Video overview:

5. Have a solid night routine

A solid night routine can help you prepare for the next day and avoid overwhelming mornings.  Set yourself up for success by preparing items for the next day, such as:

  • Preparing your lunches
  • Setting up your coffee area
  • Getting your gym or work bag ready
  • Reviewing your calendar, planner, or to-do list for tomorrow

4. Prepare smartly over the weekend

Think about the things you do on a weekly basis and batch them all into the weekend. To have an easier week ahead, Mika cleans out her car, meal preps, stocks the fridge, and clears out her inbox. The simple task of decluttering certain items before the work week begins helps Mika feel prepared to tackle her actually work. She also suggests creating a pre-made list of your weekly tasks before the week begins.

3. Have a pre-work ritual

Rituals help tap into a zone of creation or performance. Before starting your work day, utilize the five senses to signal that it’s time for productivity. Mika diffuses essential oils for wakefulness or focus, and sets up her workstation with essentials at hand. You can also play music or have a mantra that you recite — anything that helps you create a more positive mindset, a more wakeful atmosphere, and really just get into that focus zone.

2. Have regular ‘clean outs’

Apply the same declutter strategy for physcal objects to your business and operations. For example, take your marketing strategy. Sometimes new ideas come in and clutter your mind. You may feel really overwhelmed and unclear on what you need to do. So lay it all out: write all of your to-dos, ideas, pending items on post-its or a whiteboard. Then assess what’s going on, and then remove things that you don’t actually need. This helps re-create a system that’s much more streamlined, efficient, simpler, and maximizes your productivity.

1. Get rid of your limiting beliefs around getting organized

Believing that you’re “just not an organized person” is a sure setup for failure. Most successful leaders didn’t get to where they are by just winging it or hoping success will find them. They’ve taken the necessary steps towards becoming a more organized professional. Focus on removing the belief that organization just isn’t in your nature — and you’ll be on the road to a clutter-free lifestyle.

Tips for a More Organized Life on Pinterest

What has been the biggest challenge for you in getting organized? Are you struggling with your time or workspace? Let us know in the video comments and don’t forget to subscribe!



Hosted by Russ Perry, CEO & Founder of Design Pickle, Jar of Genius is a podcast that uncovers the strategies and mindsets of today’s most innovative creative leaders. Get actionable insights on groundbreaking business models, successful campaigns, and the cutting-edge tech that’s changing the game. Learn how to build a thriving creative business in this fast-paced world.

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