Graphic Design Services for Health, Wellness, and Fitness Content Marketers

Updated Sep. 7, 2022 Published Jun. 20, 2018 5 Min. Read

featured image for Graphic Design Services for Health, Wellness, and Fitness Content Marketers
Your clients may be in tip-top shape, but how does your content marketing look?

Health, wellness, and fitness marketers across all industries agree that content creation is important for any business looking to grow an audience and expand brand reach. Unfortunately, most of these marketers fail to recognize the role graphic design services can serve in the content creation process.

But who needs graphic design services, really?

Large enterprise companies like dropping industry-disrupting content every week? Small business fitness studios looking to expand their reach with Facebook advertising? Or solo entrepreneurs promoting remote coaching services and fitness ebook sales?

Yes, yes, and most definitely, yes.

Let’s take a deeper look at these three tiers of health and wellness businesses to better understand how every business in the health and wellness industry – including yours – can leverage graphic design services for content marketing.

Who needs graphic design services?

1. Fitness Studio

A fitness studio – whether it’s a gym, yoga studio, or personal/group training facility – is one of many businesses who needs graphic design services. The natural ebb and flow of a membership-based service makes content marketing for member acquisition just as important as content marketing for member retention.

Graphics needed on a recurring basis in a fitness studio include things like:

  • Updated class descriptions and schedules
  • Special event flyers and bulletin announcements  
  • Seasonal promotional material
  • Facebook or Google advertisements
  • Monthly member newsletters
  • Class package and pricing sheets
  • Branded apparel designs
  • Print ads for local newspapers and magazines

…and much more, depending on the extent of products and services offered.

Most studios run a pretty tight marketing budget (protein supps ain’t cheap these days) so a studio who needs graphic design services may choose a flat-rate graphic design service like Design Pickle to take the guesswork out of budgeting.

Design Pickle offers unlimited design requests and revisions within a 1-3 business-day turnaround for only $499 per month – perfect for updating content on a regular basis without updating the budget.

image of people getting fit in a fitness studio

2. Health Club

Corporate health clubs like LA Fitness and Lifetime Fitness are much larger than small-business fitness studios, so they require a higher graphic design output – i.e. faster content creation – on a recurring basis.

Most clubs have a dedicated fitness studio inside the club, so health club marketers need graphic design services for the same type of content as fitness studio marketers. Health clubs need more than fitness studios, however, to market all of the other amenities offered in the club.

Health clubs need graphic design services for projects like:

  • Marketing the club cafe or smoothie bar
  • Seasonal discounts and membership pricing
  • Promoting swimming, basketball, or tennis lessons
  • Special event announcements and sign-ups
  • Advertising summer kids’ camps
  • Updating nutrition/ fitness tips on a memo board
  • Free trial passes
  • Refer-a-friend incentive programs
  • Promoting new spa services and available products
  • Online marketing and remarketing efforts

…and more, depending on the club amenities offered (and monthly sales goals).

Health clubs have a strong, ongoing need for graphic design, so marketers require an on-demand, real-time design solution to keep up with the content demand.

The most obvious solution for health club marketing is to hire an in-house graphic designer, but hiring one full-time, in-house graphic designer can cost upwards of $40,000 per year. Hiring multiple in-house designers may not be feasible for health clubs in need of a dedicated design resource for each department.

Design Pickle’s Pro subscription is a perfect solution for corporate health clubs. For less than $1,000 per month, each department marketer can collaborate with a dedicated designer every business day from 9am-5pm MST in real-time using Slack.

Same-day service is great for marketers trying to meet deadlines, follow corporate branding guides, and create content on the daily.

image of a lady working out in a health club

3. Online Coach

Working for yourself doesn’t mean you have to do all of the work yourself – especially when it comes to graphic design.

Online health coaches are a group of fitness professionals who need graphic design services the most since many use online marketing to acquire new clients (and the internet is a very visual place).

Online coaches (sport and fitness, personal training, life coaching, etc.) use graphic design services for projects like:

  • Social media graphics for ads
  • Educational infographics for social media
  • Assessments and intake questionnaires
  • “Swipe up” link images for Instagram
  • Client testimonial graphics for their website
  • Instructional ebooks and PDF guides
  • Promotional email graphics
  • Branded social media banners and images
  • Daily food/exercise log templates
  • Website graphics, banners, and icons

The typical marketing budget of an online coach is significantly less than fitness studios and corporate health clubs, but that doesn’t mean graphic design services are out of the question for freelancers and solopreneurs.

Design Pickle is an excellent service for marketers with great ideas for content but no time for creation; imagine having a part-time professional graphic designer on staff so you can focus on what’s important – your clients!

If you’re new to the online coaching business and don’t have any budget for graphic design at all, start with one of the many online graphic design tools available for free. Check out the Design Pickle DIY Graphic Design Toolbox for a list of the top free and paid design resources around the web.

image of an online coach
Health, wellness, and fitness marketers need quality graphic design to stand out from the competition. The question is not “Who needs graphic design services?,” but rather, “Which graphic design services do you need?”.

Graphic design services are available for marketers on any and every budget; from free online design tools to same-day, on-demand service, there is a graphic design solution that can bring your health, wellness, and fitness content marketing to the next level.

Start exploring your graphic design service options today to keep your content marketing as healthy as your clients!

Struggling to find inspiration for your next health, wellness, and fitness content marketing project? Download a free copy of the Design Pickle Digital Design Library, a collection of 200+ client sample works. Get inspired to create social media ads, banner designs, ebooks, flyer designs, and more for your business.
featured image for the digital design library



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